Hello. I am moving and need someone with a Pick-up Truck to drive. It is a small amount of items. 4 boxes and some bags, and small items, Everything will forsure fit in one pick-up load. No Furniture or heavy things. I can also lift and move everything myself. Its from Fairfield to another place in Fairfield. Just a 5 minute drive. And will take less then a hour at maximum. I am hoping to move the stuff around 4pm or 5pm On Thursday November 30th. I can pay $80 to 100 dollars or what you feel is fair for the drive and it will take less then a hour. No heavy lifting or anything involved and a 5 minute drive. Can you please text me or email me if your available for Tomorrow on Thursday November 30th around 4pm or 5pm? If you prefer to talk on phone send me your number on text or email and i'll call back right away. My cell is 250-580-9215 And my email is nesaru@Live.com Thank you so very very much!! :) Jer