Shure Brothers 566 Unidyne 1 microphone. Vintage 1960's A very high quality Shure product that can compete with even the best dynamic cardioid mics of today. Many of these older models had an even higher quality build which is testament to why 50 years later they still work like new and sound amazing. This 565S model was introduced in the early 1960's and was a widely used mic by many famous musicians like Jimi Hendrix. The 566 utilized the exact same cartridge but you'll notice that the 566 has the beefy lower shock mount with the revolutionary (and practical) XLR cable attachment as well as an impedance switch that is just beneath the cover. Unscrew both screws and you'll be able to change from low to high in just a few seconds time. May trade for Roland V-Drums mesh head drum kit, complete or incomplete.