Henny Penny Automatic Breader Tumbler $2400 This automatic breader / tumbler is perfect for breading fried chicken as well as an assortment of any other products that you would like to coat. The gentle tumbling action of the large capacity stainless steel drum and paddles promotes even coverage for a consistent look and flavor. - Production rate of 400# per hour - Labor saving, space saving, less breading waste - Moistened chicken (or other product) goes in one side of the tumbler and comes out perfectly breaded from the other side within seconds. - 115 volts, 1 phase, 3 amps - Cleaned and tested by our shop technician - Shipping / delivery available Great used in conjunction with the Alto-Shaam Full Sized Cook and Hold Oven that we have. Please contact Seafair Enterprises for more information 604-946-9700