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Lamps, Candles & Lighting Victoria Area

$250 · Middle East Sterling silver candalabra

Middle East Sterling silver candalabra image 1
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra image 2
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra image 3
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra image 4
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra image 5
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra thumbnail image 1
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra thumbnail image 2
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra thumbnail image 3
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra thumbnail image 4
Middle East Sterling silver candalabra thumbnail image 5

This middle East Sterling siver candalabra was bought my myself when i was working in the Middle East about 60 years ago. The markings are on the footbase with the logos for siver. The weight is 622 grams as seen on my digital scale. Today a gram of pure silver is C $1.40, North Anerican google prices. 622 grams of silver is worth close to $900 dollars. This is not pure siver, maybe 925 - I do not know, and will sell it at low cost, One guy emailed me that Middle East silver is 84 % pure, and English silver is 925 % pure. I don't know if this is true, if it is then there is 622x84% equals about 522 grams pure silver. And 522 grams silver is over $700 Canadian money. I have tested it with a strong magnet and it is not magnetic. Since this is silver and I have had it in my closet for the last 20 years it has tarnished to a dull dark colour.' It should be easy to clean and make it shine again. Asking price for this silver candalabra is $250 or your acceptible good offer. Please email me if you like to see it.

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December 16, 2024
January 15, 2025
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