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Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Victoria Area

Clinical Leader

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C o m e o n d o w n t o t h e G r e a t e r V i c t o r i a H i r i n g & P o s t - S e c o n d a r y E d u c a t i o n E x p o o n T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 3 0 , 2 0 2 5 , f r o m 1 1 : 0 0 a . m . – 3 : 0 0 p . m . a t t h e B a y S t r e e t A r m o u r y | 7 1 5 B a y S t r e e t , V i c t o r i a , B . C . C o m e d r e s s e d f o r s u c c e s s w i t h y o u r r e s u m e i n h a n d f o r a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o m e e t a l i v e r e c r u i t e r . F r e e A d m i s s i o n a n d O p e n t o t h e p u b l i c . C l i n i c a l L e a d e r L o c a t i o n s : V i c t o r i a , B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a W o r k p l a c e : H y b r i d – 7 5 % i n C o m m u n i t y S a l a r y : $ 8 6 , 0 0 0 - $ 1 0 3 , 0 0 0 ** Vehicle Allowance provided; candidates must live locally This is a hands-on community health position where collaboration with the formal and informal care networks supports a client and family-centered home care model in your local neighborhood allowing you to provide a personalized approach to home care for people who wish to age in place their way. The Clinical Leader will relationships in the community, provide direct care in clients’ homes, supervise their team of healthcare professionals, and collaborate with an integrated regional team to oversee a range of in-home care services, manage client service programs, and oversee all team operations. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibilities of this role include, but are not limited to: * Develop comprehensive plans for clients and families using a holistic approach to help them achieve their aging in place goals, and continue to resolve challenges by offering services, products, advice, and community resources as needs change. * Direct and monitor the delivery of all in-home services and daily functions of field staff providing access to clinical advice, support, and resources. * Hire and train all healthcare staff and supervise the day-to-day performance of the team; ensure exceptional interactions with prospective and existing clients; and provide ongoing coaching and performance management. * Manage expectations with family members and clients ensuring a client and family-centered approach to care planning. * Adapt care to changing client needs including management of acute illness, falls, and other immediate challenges. * Ensure shift coverage for callouts and sick calls, including providing direct hands-on care for clients, if a replacement staff member is unavailable.Job Qualification CANDIDATES MUST HAVE: * A current and valid Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) registration with the British Columbia College of Nurses & Midwives * Minimum of five (5) years of recent experience, preferably in a community setting. * Minimum of two (2) years of recent experience leading/managing others. * Current and valid CPR certification. * Experience working with the geriatric population and in community healthcare is a strongly preferred access. * A reliable vehicle and willingness to travel to visit clients within the community (roughly 60% in the field, vehicle allowance is provided). ** Only candidates selected to be moved forward in the recruitment process will be contacted by Bayshore’s Recruitment Team to schedule a conversation. As Canada’s largest and best homecare company, join us as we continue our 50+ year tradition of supporting our Nurses to make “being the difference” a Career! Bayshore is committed to a high quality and safe environment for both our staff and clients/patients. Dependent upon Provincial government regulations, and the position being applied for, new hires may be required to provide proof of vaccination against illnesses such as COVID-19, Hepatitis, Seasonal Flu etc. Please speak with the recruiter for Provincial and/or position specific requirements. Medical exemptions or any other kinds of requested exemptions based upon Human Rights Code will be considered on a case-by-case basis. “At Bayshore Healthcare, our commitment to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion is our strength. This is how we bring our vision of being the difference in the lives of those we care for, work with and in our communities. We have a great sense of pride in creating a culture of belonging, where individual differences are embraced and celebrated, through programs, resources and policies that support each individual’s purpose, potential and wellbeing.” Bayshore operates in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and applicable Provincial Human Rights Codes. Apply at: Company: Bayshore Home Health Salary: $86,000 - $103,000 per year Contract: PERMANENT

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