Located: Royal Oak / Beaver Lake / West Saanich Road. Individual lockers, free standing sheds, and large shops for rent. Private, secure location with drive-up access. Unheated. Not for active businesses or accommodation. Vehicle repairs not allowed. MONTHLY RATES: SMALL LOCKER $90 4'-0" Deep 4'-6" Wide 7'-0" Tall (Interior Dimensions) 18 Square feet. MEDIUM SHED $295 15'-4" Deep 7'-4" Wide 7'-0" Tall (Interior Dimensions) 111.7 Square feet. LARGE GARAGE $595 24' Deep 12' Wide 11' Tall (Approx Interior Dimensions) 10x10 insulated steel overhead door. Insulated steel man door. All units are fully insulated, vapour barrier, plywood or drywall lined. Bring your own pad lock for lockers and sheds. No Active businesses allowed. Mini Storage. Cold Storage. Dry Storage. Self storage. Locker rental. Storage rental. Garage for rent. Garage rental. Work shop rental.