Mounts and balances available on site. Many other sizes available Mon-Fri 9AM -7pm., Sat. 10-4. first come, first served. couple of 875x 16.5, one bias ply, one radial, suitable for spares, mounted and balanced, on chev duelly rims. sold also, a pr of 33's, [sold] a pr, 875r16.5 a set [ 4] of 875r 16.5. on chev rims and balanced. [sold] set of 875r16.5 all 4 for 750 on chev duelly rims. [sold] new from 275.00 each.. - If you call us [ 778-440-8473] you can check our inventory and supply, pre pay with a credit card, or e transfer, and we will call you, within 3 days, for a one one install and balance. Many other sizes available, New as well as good used tires. We accept Cash, E Transfers, Debit Cards and all Major Credit Cards too.