Healthy and clean Dwarf Water Lettuce, Frogbit & Salvinia mix (with or without duckweed - NO pest snails or worms) $5 and $10 portions or FREE with shrimp sale. When available: Java/Christmas Moss; Subwassertang, Brazilian Waterweed, Java Fern, Red Cryptocoryne, Anubias - $5 portions I breed 5 colours of beautiful Neocaridina shrimp in separate established, naturally scaped, and well maintained aquariums: Red, Blue, Tangerine, Yellow, Green $2.50 each I also sell "Skittles" - see last 2 pix. These shrimp are anomalies (various shades of colours) from my personal community aquarium - all healthy, unique and still beautiful. 15 for $25 Plant friendly Assassin Snails - great clean up crew! 3 for $5 Gorgeous large sized Blue Ramshorn snails. Bred in their own aquarium. 3 for $5 Beautiful Xbred Japanese Blue/Black Bar Endlers are almost ready for rehoming. I have a lot of healthy fry growing well! These are gorgeous little fish and are great for beginners too. They enjoy the same water parameters as shrimp and are smaller than regular guppies. It is important that your aquarium is fully cycled before adding any aquatic creature, especially shrimp.