The Greater Victoria Flower Count is an annual light-hearted promotion sponsored and organized by Destination Greater Victoria with the generous help of local businesses. Our goal for this tradition’s 50th milestone year is to spread spring cheer to the residents of Greater Victoria and encourage them to stop and count our early spring flowers while out in their communities. This is a great time to #ExploreVictoria! In 2025 we will be counting blossoming blooms from 7 a.m. on March 5 to 4 p.m. on March 12. After counting, head over to Flower Count’s website to submit your count towards your community. Will your neighbourhood be deemed the region’s 50th ‘Bloomingest Community’? Feel free to browse our many fun giveaways for this year! Snap a picture for your Instagram to enter our Social Media Contest, or head over to Used.Ca’s pages for a hint on where to “Find The Hidden Bloom” for daily giveaways. There’s even a giveaway for school classrooms, encouraging Grade 4 & 5 students to exercise their creative math skills! We invite you to join us in 2025 for our milestone year – the 50th Annual Flower Count!