PORTABLE AND CONVENIENT Electric Wheelchair like new condition part of an estate. With its foldable design Folding Electric Wheelchair, Seat, High Weight Capacity (Black, 18")This is hands down the best “bang for your buck” - super light, super powerful, compact, less than 1/3 new price Retail over 1500 plus tax LONG-RANGE MOBILITY: Equipped with a robust offers a generous driving range of up to 12 miles per charge. ALL-TERRAIN CAPABILITY: The Ephesus E5 is powered by two 250W brushless motors thium-Ion 24V/12AH battery, the Ephesus E5 AIRLINE APPROVED: Travel freely with your Ephesus No TEXTING PLEASE (E-MAIL OR TELEPHONE ONLY (NO TEXTING) Can be viewed 874 Leslie drive near Walmart uptown Call ahead of arriving to make sure I am here cell 236 464 0066