A fabulous 100% leather handbag designed by the one and only DAL, famous for sensible design, superior quality and timeless style. Nobody does it better! Amazingly thoughtful fashion design and durability. There are several pockets and zippered sections for everything you can think of, and more. The front has a zip-down section with slots for your ID, credit cards, cash etc. Plus TWO inner zippered sections for coins, and also a zippered pocket inside The other side (back) keeps your cell phone or keys accessible but safe within the zippered area . Absolutely genius. Compact, yet all you need. 💖 Price is firm, thank you. Over $300 retail originally Pick up on Elk Lake Drive near Commonwealth Pool Kindly confirm a pick up time immediately with your first email, and also provide your cell phone number for QUICK responses Size is 10 to 11 inches square Please see all my items