7 " Woodworking vise in "LIKE NEW" condition with box. RECORD 52ED Is one of the original high quality vises made in England by the RECORD company bought out by other manufacturers. The RECORD 52ED features: . jaw width. 175mm (7') . jaw opening: 200mm (8'') . quick release mechanism . adjustable front stop or dog gives an additional cramping facility when used in conjunction with a bench stop; a useful addition providing a normal vise and tail vise in one tool . two steel guide rods to reduce wear and ensure a smooth parallel action Jaws 'toe in' so that when pressure is applied they give an even clamping over the whole depth of the work piece. . large and small work pieces can be quickly interchanged . Refer for comparison with larger 9" RECORD vise: www.amazon.ca/Record-52-1-2ED-Release-Woodworkers/dp/B0000223R5?th=1