Sometimes you need a little, sometimes you need a lot. This is the good stuff. Typical heat shrink is 2:1 shrink ratio without adhesive. Adhesive lined tubing in 3/8” diameter with a 3:1 shrink ratio goes down to 1/8”. Metric is 9.5mm down to 3.2mm. Sell at $1.25 per foot. Minimum one foot. Hate it when your iPhone /Android charging cable frays and becomes useless? Use this 25 cents pre-emptive fix (pictured): wrap some electrical tape on the ends. Take a paper clip and bend it double. Tape the clip onto the wrapped portion. Now heat shrink over it all. Use a hair drier if you like. Your cable will now last longer than your phone. In Langford. Available most times including at night. Cellphone repair cable fix charging phone