Milk kefir is a creamy, tangy, and slightly fizzy drink that can be made from any animal milk. Its origins date back thousands of years, and originated in the middle of the Caucasus Mountains. There, kefir was drunk for its alleged virtues of health and longevity. Since then, the grains have multiplied through the ages to reach us! Milk kefir is a kind of cousin of yogurt, but with different microorganisms, a more acidic taste and a more liquid texture. Kefir grains – small white, gelatinous clumps that look like little cauliflowers – are teeming with a multitude of bacteria and yeast in search of milk to ferment. The ideal ratio is 1 tablespoon of milk kefir grains per 1 cup of milk. This ratio however is not set in stone. Generally, the more grains/less milk ratio will reduce the overall fermentation time. However, for the best consistency and taste, this ratio works best. Please bring your own jar filled with 1 cup of milk. Please PM for address and to schedule day and time for pickup. Cash or e-transfer: