See price list. All books are in great condition. Some are softcover and some are hardcover. Pickup Sannichton or near Uptown Mall. Adventure Motorcycling Handbook - $12 Around the World - $10 Dreaming of Jupiter - $6 Endless Horizon A very messy Motorcycle journey Around the World - $12 Eurasia Odyssey Riding with the Sun from China to Germany - $3 Going The Extra Mile - $12 Jupiter's Travel - $6 Lois on the Loose - $10 Long Way Down - $12 Long Way Round - $6 More Proficient Motorcycling Mastering the Ride - $12 Motorcycle Arizona - $5 Motorcycle Camping Made Easy - $12 One More Day Everywhere Crossing 50 Borders on the Road to Global Understanding - $10 Planet Earth's Greatest Motorcycle Adventure Tours - $15 Race to Dakar - $8 The Essential Guide to Dual Sport Motorcycling - $12 The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel - $12 The Longest Ride - My 10 year 500,000 Mile Motorcycle Journey - $15 Two Wheels Through Terror - $12