I bought these when an ankle injury was causing issues with my Shimano pedals, but they didn't help. They are very well made and solid pedals, a bit of a odd ball. They need breaking in, but have tonnes of float, Q-factor adjustment and are right on the axle. I forgot to get the model, so if you need to know, I can ask my friend. My friend is the broker, so if I think you are serious enough, I can connect you to meet him for a viewing. Please do not try and negotiate until you arrange to see the pedals, it makes no sense, unless you are willing to pay my "real" price up front, buyer beware. Please do not ask if it available and I am disinterested in any stories about when you might be coming to town. If you have been trained by FB Marketplace I will not put up with any of that nonsense. I do this the way it was done well before Facebook ruined all used markets, civilly, respecting each other's time, in the right order and without putting up with flakes or time wasters. Brian $50 OBO.